马上申请 和 请求的信息 从下午5点开始就没空了吗.m. 9月27日到晚上8点.m. 9月28日由于定期维修.
职业发展办公室 offers programs 和 services that support students who are initiating 和 implementing 他们的职业规划. Working within an ethical framework reflecting Catholic 和 Franciscan values, the office is dedicated to supporting students’ employability, reinforcing their social responsibility 和 commitment to serving others, creating opportunities to strengthen employer connections, 和 exploring post-degree education 和 employment 选项.
十大赌博正规平台在线与 握手, a premier career management 和 job 搜索 platform used by over 来自700多所大学的1400万名学生和校友!
当前的学生, 激活您的帐户 to:
For student 事件 offered on-campus 通过 the 职业发展 办公室, check Presence应用十大赌博正规平台在线和握手!
Does your student group or organization want a personalized workshop on a 职业发展 主题? 今天就到careerdevelopment@madonna联系吧.edu!
校友,一定要利用 握手 支持你毕业后找工作需求的平台! 如果你在招聘 or hiring for your company, don't forget to select the "校友" option within your 公司简介.
雇主, 创建公司简介 握手时:
Post part-time, full-time, or internship positions for Madonna University current 学生及校友. If you've graduated from Madonna yourself, don't forget to select 公司简介中的“校友”选项.
Use the "消息传递" feature to connect with potential c和idates.
职业发展 staff members at Madonna University help students utilize their 为有回报的职业获得学位. 实习提供了很好的职业准备 experiences 和 they are mutually beneficial to students 和 employers. 我们邀请 you to offer Madonna students the opportunity to use their career-ready competencies 帮助您的业务. 实习通常在秋季(9月11日)持续15周. 通过 12月.)和冬季(1月11日). 夏季学期12周 (8月May-mid). Students are required to obtain a certain amount of 小时 if taking 实习学分. 欲了解更多信息,请联系734-432-5665或 careerdevelopment@huiyaosg.com.
We are excited to connect you with students who can help your organization while they 获得实践经验. 与圣母大学合作还有其他优势:
Student interns are typically paid an hourly rate for duties they perform, which helps 抵消他们的开支. 圣母大学遵循由 U.S. 劳工部的无薪实习. 非营利组织应该参考 具体的 劳工部十大赌博正规平台在线无薪实习的法律政策.
Federal Work-Study (FWS) programs provide valuable financial assistance to students by allowing them to work part-time while pursuing their academic goals. 这一行动 not only helps alleviate the cost of education but also offers practical work experience 这对未来的职业机会是有益的. 在校园里,学生可以找到 a range of job 选项 通过 FWS, from administrative roles to positions within academic departments, which can fit around their class schedules 和 support their 专业发展.
In addition to on-campus employment, the FWS program often includes opportunities 社区服务. 参与社区服务不仅丰富了学生的 educational experience but also strengthens connections with the local community. These roles can vary from tutoring 和 mentoring youth to working with local nonprofits 倡导组织.
Overall, the combination of federal work-study jobs 和 community service opportunities enhances students' academic journey by providing financial support, work experience, 并有机会为他们的社区做出有意义的贡献.
学生可以通过以下方式联系财政援助 finaid@huiyaosg.com 或职业发展 careerdevelopment@huiyaosg.com ,查询他们是否有资格领取食物及卫生局的牌照.
我有FWS资格! 现在?
Students who are FWS eligible should apply for on-campus jobs 通过 握手! 大多数职位在8月份发布.
Please note that being FWS eligible does not guarantee that you will be offered a 在校职位.
If students earn the amount of FWS funds they are eligible for per semester, does 这意味着他们必须停止在校工作?
不一定. Their supervisor will determine how many 小时 they’re allotted to work in their role each week, which will have been cleared 通过 the university 预算. 主管可联系careerdevelopment@madonna.提问.
是的, but the maximum 小时 per week students can work on-campus collectively is 20
是的. First, students must speak with their supervisor regarding their situation. If students choose to leave their employment, students must inform their supervisor 和 职业发展办公室.
国际 students may work on campus but must apply for a U.S. 社会保障 number once they have applied for 和 obtained an on-campus job 通过 握手. 十大赌博正规平台在线如何申请美国签证的说明.S. 社会保险号可以在上面查看 My门户网站或握手 职业中心.
What documents do students need to complete before they can work?
All students must complete state 和 federal tax withholding forms. 此外,学生 必须填写I-9表格吗. 这份文件是国土安全部的 就业资格核实. 此表格必须亲自填写 职业发展部的职员. 除了I-9表格,学生们 must present original, unexpired, authentic documents to verify both the student’s 身份及受雇资格.
Students receive their first payment, a paper check, from Student Financial Services 在房间2005. Students are required to establish Direct-Deposit 通过 our payroll system, UKG, so that payment for their work is deposited directly into a bank 账户.
Who do students talk to if they have a discrepancy or any questions concerning their 薪水?
Students may contact Amy Gerhart in Payroll by email at ajgerhart@madonna.Edu或by 电话:(734)432-5384.
Who do students talk to if they have a discrepancy or any questions concerning their 工作时间或工作时间表?
Students will contact their direct supervisor by email or phone if they have a discrepancy 或者十大赌博正规平台在线他们时间表的问题.